The British Orchid Council
Judging Notes Menus

Judging Notes.

It is inevitable that judging criteria and methods will vary from one organisation to another, even within the same country. Differences are to be expected and are entirely appropriate, given the range of circumstances under which plants may be judged. What is important is that the basis of an organisation's judging is consistent, both between events and over time. Equally important is that any rules are clearly understood and freely open to scrutiny by all concerned, both judges and exhibitors.

The basis on which BOC judging is carried out has developed over many years, through practical experience more than theory. "BOC Rules" are straightforward and may fairly be regarded as grower-oriented; a plant's culture is of equal significance to its flower quality. The BOC's Judges Training programme applies and teaches the Rules in developing Orchid Judges to internationally accepted standards of accreditation. The consistency of the Rules' application is ensured by an on-going series of symposia, designed both to educate trainees and to maintain the skill levels of qualified judges.


Full details of BOC judging - its rules, its training programme, and other related matters - are given in the BOC Judging Handbook (see main menu for this).

Judging of competitive classes at British Orchid Congresses and other BOC events is wholly inclusive, whereby the judges automatically consider every plant on every exhibit. To assist in correctly assigning plants to their classes, judges use a comprehensive working list of natural and hybrid Orchid genera identifying Tribe and Sub-Tribe. This working list has been compiled based upon information supplied by the Royal Horticultural Society's Orchid Registrar. The working list is regularly updated and the most up to date version is available via the main menu.